Graduation Date

Spring 2018

Document Type



Master of Science degree with a major in Kinesiology, option Exercise Science

Committee Chair Name

Justus Ortega

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Taylor Bloedon

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name

Shannon Childs

Third Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Ankle, Tape, Biomechanics, Kinetics, Kinematics, Inversion, Angle, Eversion, Moment, Torque, Injury, Prevention, Treatment

Subject Categories



Ankle injuries are the most common injury in physically active adults with roughly 15% to 30% of all physical activity injuries being ankle injuries. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a self-adherent ankle taping in reducing peak ankle inversion angle and peak ankle eversion moment upon landing during a max vertical jump and depth drop compared to jumping without a prophylactic ankle stabilizer.

Twelve volunteers participated in testing procedure on two separate days. Day one consisted of orientation while day two consisted of experimental data collection. The participant’s peak inversion angle and eversion moment were measured using 3D motion capture software and force plates during landing from a maximal vertical jump and depth drop.

In support of our hypothesis, peak ankle inversion angle during landing decreased 19% as a result of wearing self-adhesive tape when compared to adhesive tape (p= .002). Additionally, peak inversion angle upon landing from a depth drop was 20% less with self-adherent tape as compared to adhesive tape (p= .018). Despite the differences in peak inversion angles, the subjects experienced nearly identical peak ankle eversion moments during the landing phase of both a vertical jump as well as a depth drop both before and after exercise.

In conclusion, self-adherent tape showed promise as an alternative to standard adhesive tape in restricting peak ankle inversion. When comparing self-adhesive tape to adhesive tape, the difference in peak inversion angle remains the only advantage of self-adherent tape found by this study.

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