Graduation Date

Spring 2018

Document Type



Master of Science degree with a major in Kinesiology, option Exercise Science

Committee Chair Name

Justus Ortega

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Whitney Ogle

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name

Shannon Childs

Third Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Prophylactic, Ankle braces, Ankle range Of motion, Static balance, Dynamic balance

Subject Categories



Ankle braces are often used by athletic trainers across the nation in hopes of preventing ankle related injuries. Since prophylactic ankle braces are widely used and accepted, it is critical to understand the effects prophylactic ankle braces are having on ankle functionality and postural control both in a braced and non-braced state. However, the effects of prophylactic ankle braces over the period of a season has limited research. Thirteen collegiate women’s basketball players, who are required to wear prophylactic ankle braces through a 20-week season, participated in this study. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of prophylactic ankle bracing on passive range of motion, static balance (COG displacement, COG pattern tracking over a period of time), and dynamic balance (COG displacement in a dynamic setting, COG pattern tracking over a period, reach measures through SEBT) in collegiate women’s basketball players across a 20-week season span. We rejected the null hypothesis and found differences in ROM, increases in Postural Stability scores, and improvements with Limits of Stability (LOS) scores. We also found a significant decrease in the anterior/lateral quadrant of the ASL test which suggests a change in COG placement over the 20-week span of the season. Although wearing prophylactic ankle bracing over the period of season showed shifts in ROM, improvements in COG location and postural stability scores, further research is needed on wearing ankle braces over a long period of time to determine when these changes are happening.

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