The effects of coach confidence, coach power, and the quality of the coach-athlete relationship on athlete satisfaction in national collegiate athletic association Division I track & field athletes

Graduation Date


Document Type





Thesis (M.S.)--Humboldt State University, Kinesiology: Teaching and Coaching, 2015

Committee Chair Name

Rock Braithwaite

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Teacher, Special education, Coach-athlete relationship, Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Kinesiology


The quality of the coach-athlete relationship is comprised of the coach and athletes' closeness, commitment, and cooperative interactions, and is determined by multiple relationship factors including athlete perceptions of coach confidence and coach power. Empirical research has associated coach confidence with athlete satisfaction and certain types of leader authority have been empirically linked to high levels of follower satisfaction and performance. Coach confidence and power are proposed to work through the coach-athlete relationship in predicting athlete satisfaction. The proposed research question will investigate whether the coach-athlete relationship acts as a mediator through which athletes' perceptions of coach power and coach confidence predict athlete satisfaction. The study employed a cross sectional design utilizing self-report survey data from a sample (n=365) of NCAA Division I track field athletes. Four research tested valid and reliable questionnaires using 7 point Likert scales were used to assess the research question: Coach-Athlete Relationship Questionnaire, Power in Sport Questionnaire, Coach Efficacy Scale, and the Athlete Satisfaction Questionnaire. Correlational analyses and mediation analyses were used to analyze the survey data. Results revealed a mediation effect of the coach-athlete relationship on coach power (b=0.30, 95% CI [0.16, 0.48]) and coach confidence (b=0.21, 95% CI [0.09, 0.37]), in predicting athlete satisfaction. This study highlights the importance of cultivating a positive and healthy coach-athlete relationship both for performance and satisfaction of both athlete and coach. The study also explains how different sources of coach power can be received positively or negatively, based on the quality of the coach-athlete relationship. Lastly, this study provides more insight into the leader power and follower (athlete) satisfaction dynamic in the sport setting, whereas most social power research to date has been within the business psychology domain. Future studies should provide additional empirical evidence for coaching education and interventions aimed to improve strategies for coaching effectiveness and athletic performance.
