The conflict urbanist

Graduation Date


Document Type





Thesis (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, Sociology, 2000

Committee Chair Name

Lee H. Bowker

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Urban-rural migration, City and town life, Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Sociology, Conflict management


Communities and locations impel us to negotiate our lives in accordance with local customs, locales and landscapes. These conditions play substantial roles in the development of our lives and personalities. Correspondingly, any particular combinations of community with location bring together individuals into a collective conscience. For instance, many Americans living in a city have, in recent times, felt the strains of existing within the ideal milieu of modernity. Their stress developed from the several urban "amenities" and their accompanied dysfunctions. I analyze several of these urban amenities and dysfunctions and then compare them with the many rural amenities to make clear the differences between these two places. Likewise, I compare an ideal type of urbanite that has moved to a small town with an ideal type of urbanite that prefers the city to show their differences. Finally, I formulate a theoretical model that uses a field of sociological analysis: Urban/Rural—Dispute Resolution. After observing how community members employ conflict resolution, I contrast the differences between urban and rural avenues of operation pertaining to this amenity. Contrasting the city and small town ideal type communities, along with the ideal types of urbanite and ruralite, it is shown how the ordinary community member navigates this local institution and how they work with fellow neighbors to deal with conflict. From this slice of social life it is demonstrated how people accord with their community and local institutions. It is then concluded that urbanites that moved to the small town, did so in part, by comparing their lifestyles and overall urban existence with that of a more manageable small town existence.
