Sustainable theatre: an analysis of theories and practices

Graduation Date


Document Type





Thesis (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, Social Science: Environment and Community, 2009

Committee Chair Name

Maria Bartlett

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Theater, Theatre, Ecological, Sustainability, Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Environment and Community


This thesis is a qualitative analysis of techniques and theories for creating a more sustainable mode of production of live theater. In-depth, one-on-one interviewing is the primary research tool employed. Groups that interviewees have been drawn from include theatre practitioners, sustainable living advocates, academics in related fields, and local artists. The thesis research model is intended to be participatory and responsive. Emphasis has been placed on the formation of on-going relationships and dialogue with interviewees throughout the research and writing process. For the purposes of the thesis, sustainability is analyzed using a set of three distinct conceptual categories. • Ecological sustainability – Reduction of waste, energy consumption, and use of toxic materials. • Economic sustainability – Reduction of costs while maintaining production quality, providing living wages for artists, and ensuring the long-range financial viability of theatre companies. • Social sustainability – Creation and maintenance of stable and functional intra- company social relations, expanded partnerships with surrounding communities, promotion of artistic diversity, and the production of social capital. Each category has also been divided along a microscopic to macroscopic gradation, in order to best identify collected areas of issues. These areas are examined separately, as well as the particular synergistic relationships between them. The objective has been to create a working analytical framework that enables a holistic yet systematic examination of sustainability issues, and may serve as a resource for any continuing research or practical implementations involving the sustainable production of live theatre.
