Responses to sea level rise along the coast of California: case studies of adaptive practices
Graduation Date
Document Type
Thesis (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, Social Sciences: Environment and Community, 2014
Committee Chair Name
J. Mark Baker
Committee Chair Affiliation
HSU Faculty or Staff
California, Resilience theory, Vulnerability theory, Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Environment and Community, Climate change, Adaptive practices, Sea level rise
Sea levels are rising due to anthropogenic causes. As the oceans rise coastal areas and inhabitants become progressively more vulnerable. Research done within and about communities grappling with sea-level rise that incorporates vulnerability and resilience theories remains largely lacking. Central to the exploration of this topic are the questions: What are local government responses to sea level rise along the coast of California? What circumstances lend themselves to either one of the three "adaptive practices" (managed retreat, coastal defense, or adaptive restoration scenarios) that local governments employ to respond to global sea-level rise? The three case studies, along the coast of California, that inform this study are: Goleta Beach Park in Santa Barbara (managed retreat), Balboa Island in Orange County (coastal defense), and tidal Napa Plant Site Restoration in Napa County (adaptive restoration). Both social vulnerability and resilience theory have guided my field research and thesis. Qualitative research methods have largely informed my thesis, via 28 semi-structured in-depth interviews, content analysis, site observation, and pictorial representation. Secondary sources and data will have also been utilized to inform this thesis mainly for content analysis. The overall purpose and goal of this examination is to critically analyze how local governments are attempting to address the impacts of sea-level rise, what "adaptive practice" scenarios are local governments employing, and community responses to government action (or non-action) to sea-level rise the along the coast of California.
Recommended Citation
Bridgewater, Emily Anne, "Responses to sea level rise along the coast of California: case studies of adaptive practices" (2014). Cal Poly Humboldt theses and projects. 902.