Graduation Date
Fall 2024
Document Type
Master of Science degree with a major in Environmental Systems, option Environmental Resources Engineering
Committee Chair Name
Tesfayohanes Yacob
Committee Chair Affiliation
HSU Faculty or Staff
Second Committee Member Name
Robert Gearheart
Second Committee Member Affiliation
Community Member or Outside Professional
Third Committee Member Name
Christa Meingast
Third Committee Member Affiliation
HSU Faculty or Staff
Arcata Marsh, Constructed wetland, Arcata Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, Arcata Wastewater Treatment Facility, AWTF, AMWS, Beneficial uses, Enhancement
Subject Categories
Environmental Resources Engineering
The Arcata Marsh Constructed Wetland Treatment System and Wildlife Sanctuary, located in Arcata California, has been in operation since 1986. Not only has it served as the wastewater treatment facility for the city, it has also provided other beneficial uses such as acting as a sanctuary for bird, mammal, amphibian, and macroinvertebrate species. With facility upgrades currently underway, it has become important to revisit the beneficial uses of the Arcata Marsh. This project aimed to identify and characterize these beneficial uses. Literature review was conducted, and eleven beneficial uses were identified. Existing and newly obtained data were analyzed to characterize these uses. Time-series analysis of BOD5 and TSS indicated satisfactory and improving water quality enhancement across various seasonal conditions, which indicated resiliency. Based on habitat assessment analysis, the Arcata Marsh continues to provide a healthy habitat for various species. Additionally, the natural treatment process allows the AWTF to operate more energy efficiently than the average conventional wastewater treatment plant in the region. Finally, a research survey on Arcata Marsh confirmed that the residents of Arcata have strong awareness and connection to the Arcata Marsh, and these ties with the community have created a sustainable system that is worth protecting. In conclusion, yes, the system is still adequately providing the eleven beneficial uses to this day. Additionally, the Enhancement Wetlands play a significant role in the final stages of water treatment, habitat creation, carbon sequestration capabilities, recreational opportunities for physical health improvement, aesthetics for mental health improvement, and sustainability.
Citation Style
Recommended Citation
Wolff, Andrew S., "Characterizing the beneficial uses of the Arcata Marsh constructed wetland treatment system and wildlife sanctuary" (2024). Cal Poly Humboldt theses and projects. 793.
Included in
Community-Based Research Commons, Environmental Engineering Commons, Environmental Studies Commons