History and the American Indian in Humboldt County textbooks, 1860-1990 : a critical assessment of contents
Graduation Date
Document Type
Thesis (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, Social Sciences: American Indian History, 1997
Committee Chair Name
Patrick M. Wenger
Committee Chair Affiliation
HSU Faculty or Staff
Study and teaching, Indians of North America, History, California, Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Social Science, Textbook bias
This thesis will demonstrate that history textbooks which were used in Humboldt County public schools from 1860-1990 were remiss in their presentation of the Ameri-can Indian. It will show that inaccurate and inadequate information was published and sanctioned by the state of California for use in the public schools. Using criteria which is nationally approved for evaluating curriculum, I will assess the quantity and quality of selected texts from various Humboldt County archives during three time periods: 1860-1900; 1900-1940; and, 1940-1980. An overview of 1980-1990 curriculum is included. With almost two million American Indians in the United States, accurate curriculum is a necessity in order to alleviate stereotypical attitudes that are rein-forced by culturally unenlightened but otherwise well-meaning educators. This thesis should be considered a measuring instrument with which to evaluate and select culturally appropriate textbooks for use in the classroom. It will be an invaluable tool for educators of any race or gender throughout Humboldt County and the United States.
Recommended Citation
Robertson, Claudette, "History and the American Indian in Humboldt County textbooks, 1860-1990 : a critical assessment of contents" (1997). Cal Poly Humboldt theses and projects. 2196.