Lesson study's impacts on teacher perception of efficacy in teaching
Graduation Date
Document Type
Thesis (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, Education, 2011
Committee Chair Name
Eric Van Duzer
Committee Chair Affiliation
HSU Faculty or Staff
Teacher collaboration, Science education, Professional learning communities, Mixed-methods, Teacher efficacy, Teacher perception of student learning, Lesson study, Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Education
Teachers practicing Lesson Study often anecdotally report a positive impact on their teaching practices and as a result students' learning from participation in the Lesson Study process. This study examines the ways in which K-12 teachers perceive that practicing Lesson Study has impacted their teaching. For those that identify an impact, what are the components of Lesson Study that lead to this impact and to what extent is the impact recognizable? In other words, where and in what ways do teachers experience the impacts of Lesson Study as it relates to their teaching and their students' learning? A mixed-method was used for this study, including a survey and interviews, to examine the scope of Lesson Study and how Lesson Study impacts teachers' perceptions of teaching effectiveness and student learning. The 59 teachers who participated in this study were drawn from K-12 teachers who had practiced Lesson Study in science or mathematics in affiliation with one of four California Science Project sites. Study findings indicated that teachers found Lesson Study to have the largest impact on their teaching by improving their ability to match instructional strategies to students' learning needs. Results also suggest that practicing Lesson Study increases teaching confidence and has direct benefits for student learning through the collaboration with colleagues.
Recommended Citation
Van Sickle, Julie Ann, "Lesson study's impacts on teacher perception of efficacy in teaching" (2011). Cal Poly Humboldt theses and projects. 2106.