Yurok circles of care project community strengths and resources analysis

Graduation Date


Document Type





Project (M.S.W.)--Humboldt State University, Social Work, 2013

Committee Chair Name

Ronald Swartz

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Humboldt State University -- Projects -- Social Work, Circles of Care, Transition age, Yurok, Youth, Participant action research, Community, Mental health, Service system, Children


The Yurok Circles of Care project seeks to develop a behavioral/mental health service model for Yurok children, youth and transition age adults 0-25 and their families. System improvement is being sought in this community because of the disproportionate number of Yurok children being served by the juvenile justice, child welfare, mental health, and alcohol and other drug systems. There are also high rates of trauma exposure, depression, anxiety, suicide, substance use, teen pregnancy, and accidental death in the community. For this project 15 semi-formal interviews were conducted with service providers in three identified service areas. Information was gathered on services provided, service system strengths, identified gaps in services, barriers to participation and traditional, informal and natural supports that are currently used. A variety of services were found to be present in each service area. Geographic barriers, transportation issues, intra-system communication issues and system navigation issues were seen as significant barriers for families seeking funded services. The renewal of traditional Yurok practices, values and beliefs was presented as a sustainable model for improving, promoting and supporting health and wellness in the Yurok community.

