The role of the school psychologist supporting school-based mental health services: a comprehensive integration of the NASP practice domains in efforts to support systemic change in schools for the academic and socio-emotional well-being of students

Graduation Date


Document Type





Project (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, Psychology, School Psychology, 2014

Committee Chair Name

Emily Sommerman

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Socio-emotional well-being of students, Humboldt State University -- Projects -- Psychology, School-based mental health services


Given recent tragedies in the schools across the nation, mental-health programs have been a focus of discussion in the United States. School Psychologists are equipped with a strong foundation of empirical knowledge to address systemic obstacles that may permeate through our education system. Products in this portfolio demonstrate the depth and breadth of skills acquired during formal training and professional experience providing comprehensive school psychological services per the domains of competency as articulated by the Humboldt State University School Psychology Graduate Program. This portfolio further explores the role of the School Psychologist in positive behavior interventions and supports and a response to intervention model for both academic and social-behavioral concerns. Products build upon the foundational knowledge and skills which demonstrate the role of a school psychologist in supporting systemic changes in schools. Recommendations include the continuing development of the school psychologist as consultant and collaborator with families, community agency providers and state legislators.
