Bill Devall's Deep ecology: simple in means, rich in ends

Graduation Date


Document Type





Thesis (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, Sociology, 2011

Committee Chair Name

Chew C. Sing

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Deep ecology, Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Sociology, Environmental sociology


This thesis is an intellectual exploration into Bill Devall's writing on Deep ecology. The thesis will examine Devall's earlier work, especially his doctoral dissertation on the Sierra Club, and continue to follow his intellectual development in the promotion of Deep ecology. Drawing from the works of philosopher Arne Naess and others, Devall articulates that we must find the right form of practicing that helps us to explore and cultivate our ecological Self that, in turn, provides a living form of "practical activity" and ecosophy. Practicing Deep ecology lifestyle "is a process of rediscovering what is essential, and what is meaningful in our lives." Simple elegant means - can reveal rich experiences. The thesis will explore the intellectual journey of Devall through his thinking in Deep ecology and his development of his ecological consciousness. It will also document the effect and impact that Devall's writings has on environmental action groups and environmentalism in the late 20th century. The thesis will conclude with Devall's final thoughts on the future direction of the environmental movement, national and local; and will highlight a sense of place (bioregionalism) as the "frontline" for the future practice of the deep long-range ecology movement.
