A distributed renewable energy system meeting 100% of electricity demand in Humboldt County: a feasibility study

Graduation Date


Document Type





Thesis (M.S.)--Humboldt State University, Environmental Systems: Math Modeling, 2009

Committee Chair Name

Kenneth D. Owens

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Mathematical Modeling, Zero input from fossil fuel, Renewable energy, Humboldt County power supply, MJath model, Matlab, Power demand, Energy model, Simulation


A model of electricity supply and demand in Humboldt County, California over the course of one year is presented. Wind, ocean–wave, solar, and biomass electricity generation are simulated using available hourly data and efficiencies of extraction for each. Hourly electricity demand is simulated using US Census 2000 data and county load data. A simulated two-dimensional geospatial map of Humboldt County power distribution is updated each hour of the simulation as demand and supplies fluctuate over one year. Given zero input from fossil fuel power generation sources, the model will show that without sufficient transmission to import power in times of deficit, the intermittent nature of each renewable power source cannot be compensated for even when all are harvested simultaneously. The model goes on to show that with reasonable renewable power plant sizes and as transmission capacity increases, Humboldt County could not only meet 100% of electricity demand year round, but could become a net electricity exporter.

