Bullying: an informative and educational approach to a widespread problem

Graduation Date


Document Type





Thesis (M.S.W.)--Humboldt State University, Social Work, 2016

Committee Chair Name

Jennifer Maguire

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Anti-social behaviors, Intolerance, Homophily, Bullying, Externalizing and internalizing behaviors, Social norms, Perpetrators, Peer group, Victims of bullying, Bystanders, Long and short term effects of bullying, Socioeconomic status, Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Social Work, Social connectedness, Risk factors


Nationwide bullying in schools continues to increase even though it has been shown to be associated with negative outcomes (Swearer, 2011). Bullying affects not only a student's sense of security, but also their academic performance and their health (Swearer, 2011). In recent studies, it was noted that approximately 49% of students in grades 4 through 12 reported being bullied at least once in the previous month (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2015). The purpose of this project is to educate youth about the devastating impact that bullying has on their peers, their community, and themselves. This project will be viewed through a relational theory lens. This paradigm will enable individuals to understand, simulate and act on the reality in which they exist by learning about bullying and its impacts on their peers through a relational paradigm. Through a series of anti-bullying related activities, the intervention will create opportunities for participants to critically think about their preconceived notions of bullying and how it shapes their values, beliefs and behaviors. Activities for this project will be conducted at the Community Youth Center with youth ages 8-12 years. Research demonstrates that this age group is at a higher risk for being either a bully, the victim of bullying, or a bystander when compared with older children. The effectiveness of this project will be evaluated by an oral pre and post-test and through observation.

