Respite care workers effectively serving foster parents and foster children: a needs assessment
Graduation Date
Document Type
Project (M.S.W.)--Humboldt State University, Social Work, 2016
Committee Chair Name
Jennifer Maguire
Committee Chair Affiliation
HSU Faculty or Staff
Related caregiver, Rural northern California, Out-of-home care, Foster parent, Licensed, Non-related caregiver, Guardian, Tribal specified home, Foster children, Humboldt State University -- Projects -- Social Work, Respite care, Caregiver
A needs assessment for respite care was conducted to identify specific self-reported needs of out-of-home caregivers contracted through a public child welfare agency located in a rural Northern California community. The aim of the needs assessment was to improve supports for caregivers in order the local child welfare agency to support them. This project seeks to gain knowledge from the perspective of caregivers caring for children in out-of-home care about their need for respite care. A survey was sent to a random sample of 100 caregivers serving children in out of home care involved in rural Northern California. The survey was created by the student researcher. The survey inquired about how often the foster parents currently use respite care, how often they would like to use it, what they expect of respite care workers and the specific training they believe necessary for appropriate respite care. The findings from the collected surveys were compiled, analyzed and reported to a rural Northern California child welfare agency, Recommendations for program development, increased support services to caregivers, and for future research are made.
Recommended Citation
Cruz, Sarah L., "Respite care workers effectively serving foster parents and foster children: a needs assessment" (2016). Cal Poly Humboldt theses and projects. 1688.