Reaching out to find common ground: successful foster parent recruitment and retention


Mary Pagan

Graduation Date


Document Type





Project (M.S.W.)--Humboldt State University, Social Work, 2016

Committee Chair Name

Jennifer Maguire

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Placement, Child welfare services, Recruitment, Foster parent recruitment, Foster parent retention, Humboldt State University -- Projects -- Socal Work, Rural counties, Foster care placement


Foster homes are limited and there are not enough placements to meet the needs of local children and youth in the foster care system. Over the last few years as foster homes have dwindled, more and more foster children have had to be placed in foster homes out of county, away from their communities, their schools and their families. There is a fundamental need for recruitment and retention of foster care placements. Other counties in California have been successful in implementing foster parent recruitment that has generated enough foster homes to meet their needs for placements. One such program has been able to place more of their foster children in the county and is placing far less of their foster children in homes outside of the county. This project will explore successful lessons learned in the recruitment and retention of foster families through the interview of the creator and director of the program.
