Building energy analysis for Humboldt State University


Chhimi Dorji

Graduation Date


Document Type





Thesis (M.S.)--Humboldt State University, Environmental Systems: Energy, Environment, and Society, 2010

Committee Chair Name

Arne Jacobson

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Environmental systems, Energy efficiency, Humboldt State University, Building energy analysis


This thesis proposes a campus wide strategy for Humboldt State University (HSU) to improve energy efficiency in buildings, ranks buildings based on energy use and presents an analysis of retrofit opportunities for two of the most energy intensive buildings. The research is based on analysis of actual monthly energy data, interviews, walk-through survey of buildings, detailed energy auditing, DOE2 - eQUEST modeling of the selected buildings, literature review of relevant policies, technical assessments and evaluation using economic analysis tools. HSU spends about $2.8 million annually on energy emitting 12 thousand metric tonne (MT) of CO2. Campus-wide strategies for reductions include preparing an action plan for energy management, forming an energy team with an energy manager, listing immediate tasks, studying the possibility and initiating complete building shutdown during breaks, commissioning buildings, implementing energy efficiency improvements, advocating for behavior change, and creating awareness. Consideration of a 30 kW Capstone Microturbine for the main campus is also recommended. The ranking of nineteen buildings with adequate data was carried out through a two stage analysis. As the two most energy intensive buildings from the study, the Telonicher Marine Lab in Trinidad and the Ceramics Lab on the main HSU campus were selected for detailed auditing and analysis. About 200 MWh of electricity and 6,634 gal of propane are consumed by the Marine Lab annually, which costs $38,700 and results in 113 MTCO2. From eight retrofit alternatives identified, replacing the propane boiler and seawater re-circulation pumps are found to be viable options. Replacing the propane boiler will be paid back in 9.2 years from investment of $4,800 and save 1.68 MTCO2/yr. New seawater re-circulation pumps will cost $6,300 and save 2.85 MTCO2/yr with payback period of 3.4 years. The Ceramics Lab uses 114 MWh of electricity and 6,750 Therms of natural gas annually that costs $22,900 and emits 77.9 MTCO2. From the six retrofit alternatives identified for the Ceramics Lab, capturing the heat exhausted from electric kilns in combination to reducing the air infiltration rate was the best alternative, with a simple payback of 5.9 years from an investment of $7,900 and potential to save 5.25 MTCO2/year. Only reducing the air infiltration rate will also save 4.26 MTCO2/year with an investment of $6,900 and simple payback of 6.0 years. Capturing heat from gas kilns using pebble bed heat exchangers could also be appropriate.
