Extraversion-introversion and romantic love


Ryan Ruiz

Graduation Date


Document Type





Thesis (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, Psychology: Counseling, 2013

Committee Chair Name

Gregg Gold

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Men, Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Psychology, Sex, Extraversion, Love, Romantic love, Romance, Women


This study tested the relationship between romantic love and extraversion, using the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Brief Version (Sato, 2005) and the Dupree Romantic Love Questionnaire (Dupree, 1976). Relationships tested were between extraversion and the sexual attraction subscale, the relationship between gender and the sexual attraction subscale, as well as the relationship between gender and the mutual reward subscale. This study consisted of 145 students from Humboldt State University. Students were sent emails with the Romantic Love Questionnaire and the Personality Questionnaire attached. It was hypothesized that there was going to be a positive correlation between extraversion and the sexual attraction subscale score but, no correlation was found. There was also no relationship found between gender and their sexual attraction score, nor was there a relationship found between gender and their mutual reward score. The location of the study, the medium under which the questionnaires were administered, the fact that the test did not need to be completed at one time, and the questionnaires themselves were discussed as possible explanations for no relationships being found in this study.

