From awareness to action : a case study on applied environmental values
Graduation Date
Document Type
Thesis (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, 2003
Committee Chair Name
Jennifer Eichstedt
Committee Chair Affiliation
HSU Faculty or Staff
Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Sociology, Pacific, Or.), Social movements--Northwest, Aprovecho Institute (Cottage Grove, Environmental ethics--Northwest
The purpose of this thesis is to understand the link between the values of individuals taking action towards sustainability and how their actions are guided by a social movement organization. Guided by the literature presented in new social movement theory I began to investigate the cultural aspects of a contemporary social movement. As my research evolved, new social movement theory provided me with a context to better understand the role of the social movement organization in promoting awareness and activism. My research took place at The Aprovecho Research Center. Aprovecho is a research and educational institution striving to provide techniques for simple and cooperative living. Using qualitative research methods I interviewed fourteen individuals at the Research Center. The work that follows is a case study of Aprovecho, a social movement organization. I found that as a social movement organization Aprovecho is actively shaping the culture of activism revolving around sustainable living. This thesis will illustrate some of the ways Aprovecho is affecting change by promoting awareness and action.
Recommended Citation
Raza, Nadia K., "From awareness to action : a case study on applied environmental values" (2003). Cal Poly Humboldt theses and projects. 1222.