The role of school psychology in supporting positive learning environments and greater awareness in culturally diverse and economically disadvantaged schools
Graduation Date
Document Type
Project (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, Psychology: School Psychology, 2014
Committee Chair Name
Brent Duncan
Committee Chair Affiliation
HSU Faculty or Staff
Learning environments, Humboldt State University -- Projects -- Psychology, Latino children, Educational attainment
California is a state with an ever growing number of people from various ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and economic backgrounds. Latinos recently became the most prevalent ethnic group in the state, and Latino children now make up over half of all students in the public education system. This project is an analysis of my experience as a school psychologist intern in a district in Southern California where the majority of students are Mexican American and come from families that recently immigrated to the United States. Variables that permeate this culture and make educational attainment a struggle are explained, and the role of a school psychologist in mitigating those risk factors is described. In conclusion, I discuss how I worked to improve learning environments and greater awareness in such districts.
Recommended Citation
Hansen, Ashley K., "The role of school psychology in supporting positive learning environments and greater awareness in culturally diverse and economically disadvantaged schools" (2014). Cal Poly Humboldt theses and projects. 1186.