Promoting a culture of wellness within the educational community: employing best practices with a comprehensive and integrated approach across the ten domains of competency within the field of school psychology


Leana Edwards

Graduation Date


Document Type





Project (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, Psychology: School Psychology, 2015

Committee Chair Name

Brent Duncan

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Mindfulness based stress reduction, Comprehensive, Best practices, Mindfulness based intervention, Education, Mental health practitioner, Wellness, Self care, Mindfulness, School setting, Mental health professional, Humboldt State University -- Projects -- Psychology, School psychology


Promoting a culture of wellness within the educational community, while employing best practices with a comprehensive and integrated approach across Humboldt State University's (HSU) outlined domains of competency in the field of school psychology, were the fundamental goals for my internship year. In addition, the products included in my culminating portfolio and work over my practica and internship sites demonstrate my ability as a generalist in school psychology. Underlying this work, I utilized a comprehensive approach, incorporating multi-rater and multi-model data across settings, gathering valid information to drive my assessments for the benefit of students and staff. Additionally, I have furthered my professional development in wellness practices, including Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs). Based on my experience, I recommend that school psychologists apply best practices to benefit school and community members, as well as engage in wellness activities to maintain positive emotional health, aiding their work in helping others.
