School psychology intern portfolio: community emphasis
Graduation Date
Document Type
Project (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, Psychology: School Psychology, 2015
Committee Chair Name
Brent Duncan
Committee Chair Affiliation
HSU Faculty or Staff
Special education, Emotional disturbance, Community, Collaboration, Student study team, School psychology, Reactive attachment disorder, Humboldt State University -- Projects -- Psychology, Mental health, Wraparound services
This portfolio project is designed to demonstrate competency in the 10 domains of best practice in school psychology, as outlined by Humboldt State University's School Psychology program. The 10 domains are: Psychological Foundations; Educational Foundations; Legal, Ethical, and Professional Foundations; Data-based Decision Making and Accountability - Assessment/Intervention/Evaluation of Cognitive and Academic Skills; Data-Based Decision Making and Accountability - Assessment Intervention for Socialization, Emotional, Behavioral, and Life Skills; Consultation and Collaboration; Mental Health, Human Diversity in Development and Learning; Family, School, and Community Collaboration; and Research and Technology. Competency in these domains will be demonstrated within four different products that reflect work done during a year-long internship in the applied practice of school psychology. Emphasis on the role of the school psychologist in family, school, and community collaboration will be present within the different products. Making connections with community service providers and collaboration with multiple stakeholders is recommended as a necessary role of the school psychologist in supporting at-risk students achieve positive outcomes.
Recommended Citation
Stevens, Nicole, "School psychology intern portfolio: community emphasis" (2015). Cal Poly Humboldt theses and projects. 1179.