Early memory loss educational support group facilitator’s training guide

Graduation Date


Document Type





Project (M.S.W.)--Humboldt State University, Social Work, 2016

Committee Chair Name

Yvonne Doble

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Memory enhancement, Humboldt State University -- Projects -- Social Work, Early memory loss programs, Cognitive wellness, Alzheimer's disease, Early-stage dementia, Mild cognitive impairment


A diagnosis of early-stage dementia commonly leads to feelings of depression, anxiety, and isolation among those diagnosed due to its progressive nature including loss of mental and physical functioning. Due to the stigmatization of dementia more than half of community dwelling older adults fear the development of dementia. The purpose of this project was the creation of a facilitator's guide for a six week educational support group for individuals concerned about early memory loss. A pilot course was held at a senior resource center in a rural Northern California coastal area to evaluate the curriculum developed. This curriculum utilized preexisting curricula, best practices, and research and was designed for individuals diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment and early-stage dementia, as well as community members without a diagnosis who were concerned about their memory function. Based on the theory of self-management and the strengths-based perspective, this pilot course offered a supportive environment for individuals with memory loss concerns where education was provided on topics such as coping strategies, dementia symptomology, age associated memory loss, memory strengthening tactics, and mental and physical wellness. The results from the pilot course led the researcher to suggest the development of two specific courses that could better serve older adults in the area of Northern California where this project was located. These courses include a group specifically for members with dementia symptomology that focuses on supporting one another, discussion, and education on the themes identified through the research. The second course is education-based that works to reduce the stigmatization of dementia while promoting health and wellness for community-dwelling seniors who wish to learn more about dementia.

