Social work professions and practices curriculum

Graduation Date


Document Type





Project (M.S.W.)--Humboldt State University, Social Work, 2015

Committee Chair Name

Yvonne Doble

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Professional identity, Constructivism, Strengths-based, Adult learning theory, Humboldt State University -- Projects -- Social Work, Distributed learning, Curriculum, Online education, Social work


Various factors contribute to the increase in online learning. Social Work Today reported that online education is one of the top ten trends that has transformed social work education (Cummings, Chaffin Cockerham, 2015). As there continues to be a growing need for trained social workers, the number of social work students engaged in online or blended learning is also rising (Allen Seaman, 2013). Currently, social workers are not only preparing for work in their local communities but they are competing in a global market in regards to education and career preparedness (Wilkinson, 1999). The curriculum "Social Work Professions and Practices" is designed to prepare Humboldt State University's MSW Distance Learning students to in their foundation year internships. The curriculum is grounded in adult learning theory and constructivism with components such as storying and narrative, Socratic dialogue and reflection to enhance the connection between learner and the learning process (Knowles, 1990).
