Where have all the men gone? A look into men in Early Childhood Education

Graduation Date


Document Type





Thesis (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, Education, 2011

Committee Chair Name

Ann Diver-Stamnes

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Early Childhood Education, Male Teachers, Administration, Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Education


Male teachers in Early Childhood Education (ECE) have been a subject of controversy. They are viewed by many with suspicion and thought to be lacking in the skills needed to care for young children. Some are advanced quickly into administrative positions or move to teach in the higher grades, in keeping with those views and preconceptions. However, some male teachers remain in early childhood education, in spite of all that is stacked against them. This study examined conditions and experiences that led to the retention of male teachers in ECE. An online survey of 22 questions was created on SurveyMonkey. Using the snowball effect, the link was distributed through email, Facebook, and other various connections throughout the ECE community, and the results were coded and analyzed to create a portrait of successful male teachers in Early Childhood Education and the conditions that need to be in play for them to stay in the profession.

