
Daniel Busch

Creator(s) bio

Submitted for RS 301's Oral History Project, student Daniel Busch interviews a friend, Dita Kruger, on their religious experiences during the pandemic.




Oral History

Document Type

Oral History Student Projects

Creation Date



Student Daniel Busch interviews a friend, Dita Kruger, on their religious experiences during the pandemic. Dita identifies as a mostly secular Jew, whose religious observances before the pandemic were primarily tied to celebrating Jewish holidays with friends and family. They talk about not being able to attend their grandfather's funeral at a synagogue during the pandemic, and the impacts of being unable to grieve with one's family. Dita dislikes Zoom as a substitute for in-person interactions and observances, and foresees religious worship returning to in-person events as soon as it is safe. They miss being able to share food on holidays, so this translated to inviting over many of their friends to share food in socially distanced yard parties.


Dr. Sara Hart's RS 301: Religion in America class submitted oral history projects for the Spring 2021 semester. The Project covers community members' religious experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic, how spiritual practices have adapted to social distancing, and how these requirements will evolve in the future.
