These rhetorical analysis papers demonstrate one or more of the following Comm 300 (American Public Discourse) learning outcomes as identified by Dr. Armeda Reitzel:

  1. Explain diverse cultural perspectives on issues through visual, written, spoken, musical, and ceremonial processes and products.
  2. Apply several critical approaches to the study of public discourse.
  3. Evaluate public discourse by applying criteria to judge effects, ethics, truth and aesthetic quality.
  4. Explain how public discourse has influenced the shaping of personal identity and behavior.
  5. Articulate how public discourse in the United States has influenced community, national, and global identity.


Articles from 2022


Continuing the conversation "The opportunity of adversity": a Neo-Aristotelian rhetorical analysis, Megan R. Ancheta


Molding Malleable Minds, One Poem at a Time, Rebecca C. Bendzick


Rhetorical Analysis of Choosing to go to the Moon "and do the Other Things", Skyler M. Kona


How Biden wants us to think about Ukraine’s conflict, Rainer Shea